About Us

Company’s Journey

Founded in 2023, Travel is a renowned landscaping company based in Kenya. Our journey began with a passion for transforming outdoor spaces into inviting natural havens. Over the years, we have grown and established ourselves as industry leaders, consistently delivering exceptional landscape solutions for travel enthusiasts.

Purpose and Goals

At Travel, our purpose is to enhance your travel experience by creating stunning landscapes that inspire and rejuvenate. We understand the importance of harmonizing nature with your trips, and our goal is to seamlessly integrate travel-related products into captivating outdoor spaces. We strive to provide you with innovative and sustainable solutions that elevate your journeys to unforgettable levels.

Introduction to the Team

Our team at Travel consists of dedicated professionals who are passionate about both landscaping and travel. With a deep understanding of Kenya’s geography, culture, and diverse flora, we bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to every project. From talented landscape designers to skilled horticulturists, our experts work collaboratively to bring your travel dreams to life, right in your own backyard.


1. Landscape Design

Our design services are tailored to suit your travel-inspired vision. Whether you seek a serene garden reminiscent of a safari lodge or a vibrant tropical paradise evoking coastal resorts, our team will curate a personalized landscape design plan just for you. We utilize cutting-edge technology, incorporating realistic 3D renderings and detailed architectural plans to ensure you can visualize the final result.

2. Sustainable Landscaping

As advocates for environmental consciousness, we prioritize sustainable landscaping practices. It is our commitment to enhance biodiversity, conserve water, and reduce the carbon footprint in every project we undertake. By incorporating native plants, water-efficient irrigation systems, and eco-friendly materials, we create landscapes that preserve Kenya’s natural beauty and promote a healthier planet.

3. Travel-inspired Installations

To enrich your travel experience, we introduce travel-related elements within the landscapes we design. From installing unique safari-themed water features to creating relaxation areas inspired by coastal getaways, our innovative ideas incorporate travel-related products seamlessly into your outdoor spaces. Indulge in the feeling of being surrounded by the essence of travel and adventure right at your doorstep.

Customer Opinions

“We were blown away by the transformation Travel brought to our garden. Not only do we now have a beautiful landscape, but it also evokes memories of our most cherished travel destinations.” – John and Jane Doe

“The team at Travel has a keen eye for detail and knows precisely how to create breathtaking outdoor spaces. Their dedication and expertise exceeded our expectations, and we couldn’t be happier with the final result.” – Sarah Williams, Happy Client


Through our unwavering dedication to excellence, Travel has received numerous accolades and recognition within the landscaping industry. We take immense pride in having won the prestigious Kenyan Landscape Award three years in a row. These achievements reflect our commitment to delivering unrivaled landscapes that blend travel-related products seamlessly into the natural environment.

Call to Action

Ready to embark on an extraordinary travel experience right in your own backyard? Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our team of passionate landscape professionals. Let us create a captivating outdoor oasis that mirrors your travel aspirations and sparks wanderlust every time you step foot outside. Together, let’s transform your landscape into a gateway to extraordinary journeys.

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